Transformers Movie Leader Optimus Prime Review

Transfomers Movie Leader Optimus PrimeWe are still on the trail of the hottest Christmas toys and coming in at number 3 on Hamley’s predictions are the Transformers Movie Leader Optimus Prime and Megatron figures. These are large scale Transformers action figures but they come with a fairly hefty price tag of around £45.

So what are these Transformers toys and are they worth the money?

Transformers 2 Toys – Details Of The New Range

The new Transformers film – “Transformers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen” – is due in cinemas towards the end of this month. To get your children in the mood for this summer blockbuster, the new range of Transformers toys has just hit the toy shelves. So what can your little ones hope to find there?

Here are all the toys from the cheapest to the most expensive.

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